During an internal meeting a couple of months back, we were reviewing final layouts for a client’s redesigned logo and identity system. The subject of adding a descriptor or tagline to the visual identity came up, prompting us to ask ourselves what made them stand out from their competitors.
After a few seconds, someone responded, “I don’t know, but maybe it’s that they don’t seem to do stupid things very often.”
“You mean they don’t do dumb s**t,” I replied. “Yeah,” she said, laughing. “That’s a better way to put it.”
Needless to say, we didn’t use that for the client’s tagline, but that “stupid” thought stayed with me:
Don’t. Do. Dumb. S**t.
Seemed like great advice for anyone, and any situation. I was determined to share this sheer brilliance with the world, but being in the position of representing a company, as well as those of our clients, I needed to act with…propriety. (Sigh)
I wrote the words on a sticky note, and soon realized that the first three all started with the letter “D.”
D3. An equation was starting to develop: D3S. But since an equation has two sides, two expressions, something needed to be added.
Iconix Inc…I2.
However, as much as I liked it – kind of a company philosophy, if you will – we needed to come up with a more business-appropriate version.
Propriety again.
But I wasn’t giving up easily, and eventually found words that not only fit the equation, but also exactly described what we do…
Distinct. Definitive. Design. Solutions.
That was it, our company’s new descriptor!
i2 : d3s
And since it was also our unwritten philosophy, we decided to share its helpful wisdom by building an inconspicuous seven-foot tall sidewalk sculpture in front of our building. We’re still waiting for a neighbor or passerby to ask about its meaning, and guessing that they may just think we’re crazy. But we’re having some fun, and that’s what summers are for.
Hope you’re enjoying yours. D3S!
Ken Tompor 08/08/2019
so thankful for the explanation,it did attract our attention
Bob E 08/08/2019
Thanks, Ken. Is “attract our attention” a nicer way to say “you people are still goofy”?
Linda 08/08/2019
Cute. I love it!!
Sean McInerney 08/08/2019
Love it!!
Charles Lamia 08/08/2019
I love it Iconix Team! To coin a Dan Gilbert “ism”, Innovation is rewarded. Execution is worshipped! You have executed!!
Chris 08/08/2019
Brilliant as always!
Al 08/08/2019
Looks like an Einstein-esk equation in 3d. Now even more, the most interesting building on the block!
Mike Harrison 08/12/2019
Clever indeed! I am so glad you made it D3, because that is such a differentiator when you subtract “Dumb” and consider so many of our so-called “competitors that just don’t do “S”!