Iconix Inc – InsideOut



Model: Canine
Body Style: Bearded Collie
Model Year: 1998
Model Discontinued: July 2011
Class: Yes. Tons of.
Assembly Plant: Aurora, OH

Engine: Huge heart
Fuel type: Chicken & kibbles
Curb Weight: 50 lbs.
Top speed: Fast

Overview: Originally bred as show stock from a rural working clan, Riley ultimately gained notoriety as the head of public relations and visitor herding at Iconix Inc. in Auburn Hills, MI. His calm, always friendly demeanor contributed to the receipt of the annual “Most Popular Icon” award for 13 years in a row. During his tenure, no sheep, or office visitors, were ever lost, and no flocks of geese ever attempted to “litter” the grounds. He’ll be greatly missed by both staff and visitors.


  1. Simon Rafe 08/01/2011

    I met Riley when we came to the office; I’m sorry for your loss. He was a good dog.

  2. Gail Frenak 08/01/2011

    Bob and Sandy,

    I am so sorry to hear of Riley’s passing. He was truly a wonderful dog!


  3. Cyndi Hunt 08/01/2011

    So sorry to hear. He will be missed by all!


  4. Sam Locricchio 08/01/2011

    WHAT!? Say it ain’t so? Riley was an icon (ix). I would always need to schedule meetings for late in the day as young Riley would always wait (seemingly) until my arrival at Iconix until he drank copious amounts of water to “refuel;” Unfortunately, Riley’s appreciation of my attention meant under the conference room table, he would place his head upon my lap as a sign of appreciation. My leaving the Iconix office had me resembling the “before” talent in a FloMax ad. My pants would be tattooed with the fury friend’s water bowl overage. Not so bad when heading home; not so good if the meeting time was early enough to require my return to Chrysler’s Auburn Hills headquarters.
    (“Wow…rough meeting at Iconix? Scared you THAT much huh?”)
    Farewell, Riley C…You were always top dog…and, your bark and bite was never worse than that of Bob when I missed a press kit copy deadline.

  5. Mike Harrison 08/01/2011

    I am so sorry! I have know Riley since he came on board at Iconix, and I will miss seeing him when I visit. Over the years, I realized his relative indifference to me was his way of showing trust (I think…). Good PR dogs are hard to find, and I wish you all the best on filling those pawprints.
    Mike Harrison

  6. Lynda Messina 08/01/2011

    Sorry to hear about your loss! He will be missed by many!

  7. Matthew Smigiel 08/01/2011

    I’ve had some great memories with Mr. Riley Evans.
    I always considered Riley as part of the family when I visited the house/office.
    When I spent the night, Riley used to sleep next to Ace and myself.
    He’s more than likely chasing an animal in dog heaven.
    Sorry for you loss. Talk to you soon.

  8. Dan Reid 08/01/2011

    Bob and Sandy:

    So sorry to hear about Riley – I’ll miss his friendly greetings…


  9. Tom Drew 08/01/2011

    Seeing Riley was always a really nice fringe benefit of visiting the office. A great dog who will be remembered fondly.


  10. John Martin 08/01/2011

    Bob and Sandy,

    Riley will be missed.He was after all, the only icon or vender, that had more hair on his back than I. He always offered that welcoming touch to me.

  11. Paul Snyder 08/01/2011

    Bob and Sandy, sorry to hear about Riley. I used to like how he would come by my desk, give me a brief nose bump, and be off again to a different part of the office. Just the Riley Evans way of saying “hello”.

    • Bob E 08/01/2011

      The “nose bump” was his ultimate compliment. A step above: “here, you’re lucky, I’ll let you scratch my backside.”

  12. Sandra 08/01/2011

    Our fur-Beings are human-Beings best asset…
    Riley was and is the best of the fur-Being’s.


  13. Bill Betts 08/01/2011

    How sad to learn you have lost a member of your family. All of us who have lived with and then lost our dogs understand what you are feeling. I’m privileged to have personally met Riley.

  14. Irene Nowak 08/01/2011

    My heartfelt sadness goes out to you Bob, Sandy and Ace. He was a gentle giant and a beautiful dog!

  15. Marina 08/01/2011

    I am so sorry to hear of Riley’s passing. He was such a wonderful dog. I loved watching him running out front at Iconix and looking as regal as any dog (or human) can be.

    Born a dog
    Died a gentleman

  16. Alan V 08/01/2011

    So sorry for your loss. I’ll miss him too. He had a very cool personality. We can be thankful he had a nice long life.

  17. Caroline 08/01/2011

    I am so sad to read this – I’ll miss you Riley as I know you all will. Sorry for your loss.

  18. Dr. Bradley Orville 08/02/2011

    Bob and Iconix Family,

    My deepest sympathies go out to you on the loss of a very kind animal. During our meetings at the office, Riley was a pleasure to see meandering about at times but mostly kept to himself despite the loud noises of the NOBF debates. He will be missed.

  19. Perry Kartsonas 08/02/2011

    Bob, Sandy & Austin:
    Sorry to hear of Riley’s passing. He was beautiful dog.

    Perry, Sue & Family

  20. Alan Smigiel 08/02/2011

    Bro, He was the ‘Best”! We will all miss him. He is watching over us from heaven.

  21. Alyssa 08/02/2011

    I love you Mr. Wrigley Riley Ralph.

  22. kathy silvestri 08/03/2011

    I am so sad that your Riley won’t be with us all on this earth. But all the love he gave because of being loved by you will continue to resonate. Hugs to you, Sandy and Austin. X0

  23. Ann Halatek 08/10/2011

    Aww Riley…you will be missed! I always loved finding him under the hydrangeas when I came for a visit in the spring or summer. He’d come out wagging and brighten my day. I’m so sorry for your loss of this very special boy. I know he’s watching over all of you now.

  24. Mike Hood 08/30/2011

    Bob and Sandy

    I was just checking up on your website and came across the news of Riley, he has been an icon at Iconix and i will miss his greetings when i arrive, i know he always smelt our Rocky which does not have much time with us as well.

    God Bless

  25. Margie Mathews 10/06/2011

    So sorry to hear that Riley has passed on to greener pastures. I know that you loved him dearly and he was truly a member of your family.

  26. David Barnas 10/06/2011

    Bob and Sandy,

    I was just checking up on the Iconix web site and came across the news of Riley. Very sad to hear!!! I’ll never forgot him…he was so incredibly friendly and great at welcoming guests to Iconix. I’ll never forget him, especially during the days/months of printing “THE BOOKS” for the Chrysler sale process in the spring of 2007!!!

    All the best,


  27. Michele Callender 10/06/2011

    Awwww…. I’m sorry to read about Riley’s passing. Frankly, he was the best reason for a meeting at your office. Riley will be remembered in all our hearts.

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